Category: Navigating

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Bathroom counter with open space under the sink instead of cabinets and open shelving next to it.

Accessible Bathroom Counter and Cabinets

This bathroom was renovated to add some wheelchair-friendly aspects. These two photos show the bathroom sink and counter that has the under cabinet removed from directly under the sink. This lets the wheelchair user roll

Close up of an iBaby brand video monitor

Baby Monitor

Many caregivers talked about repurposing “baby monitors” to give them piece of mind and be able to ensure their spouse was still breathing, hadn’t fallen, or was still in bed. From seriously ill individuals to

Snacks and other kitchen items labeled onto cabinets

Cabinet Labels

Dementia, memory loss, or brain injury can present unique challenges when navigating around the house. One person I spoke with valued his label maker more than just about anything. For his wife, who had a

Dry erase board with daily reminders

Dry Erase Board

When someone has dementia or other memory or cognitive problems, orientation tools can help keep folks grounded. For a low-tech, inexpensive solution, one caregiver I spoke to used a dry erase board. “This is how

Close up of interlocking foam tiles

Foam Tiles

When you’re at risk for falls, one way to ensure the floor has less of a hard landing is to use cheap foam tiles. Carpeting can be a no-go for folks who use mobility devices,

Door from gararge to kitchen with one step. Two grab bars are mounted vertically on either side of the door frame for pulling oneself up.

Grab Bars for a Step

This picture shows a unique use of grab bars. For this person, making it up the one step from the garage to the kitchen became impossible without safely holding onto something. In this case, they

Brown wooden plywood ramp placed on grass

Homemade Ramp

Ramps are a relatively simple item that can drastically change a home or venue from inaccessible to accessible. But they can be expensive to put in, expensive if you buy a temporary one, and people

Rack attached to black fridge holding spices

Magnet Rack

In Pennsylvania, Tina has multiple sclerosis and uses a motorized wheelchair. She loves to cook, but she needed the spices moved out from behind a closed cabinet door and instead to a place where she

Wooden extended steps built in front of door

Modified Steps

Mobility impairments can makes steps difficult and dangerous. But renovating a home can be extremely expensive and take a long time. Many find themselves suddenly faced with trying to adapt a home after a disabling

Mini ramp made by putting a paint stirrer on the ground

Paint Stirrer

Ángel, who had been a painter for decades, once again puts a tool from his trade to a new use. Since he began using a wheelchair, the small lip in the concrete between the garage