Accessible Shower with Orientation 

Corner rack with three tiers for shower essentials and grab bars on shower

This accessible shower incorporates grab bars, both vertical and horizontal, and a set of adjustable shower shelves that holds a waterproof orienting clock. This person needed constant reminders of the day and time, and placing an orienting clock helped with monitoring the length of showering and maintaining focus on the task.

And one quick note about grab bars, “We installed them in all the places where [he] needed them. Over time his needs change, so I have some grab bars in place that we didn’t use for a long time but if he needed security, in different chapters, he had them….We paid for [grab bars] ourselves, but we gave all the expenses to our tax advisor and he deducted them from our taxes.”

Any home modifications you make, such as grab bars or ramps installation, can be deducted as a medical expense on your taxes!

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