Tag: balance

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Two silver metal grab bars on wall next to a toilet, one horizontal and one at an angle

Bathroom Grab Bars

Grab bars may seem like a small adjustment, but they make an enormous difference. “It really helps him getting on and off the shower seat and into the shower. Without those bars we couldn’t manage

White bath rail installed on edge of bathtub

Bathtub Rail

Another option for installing a grab bar in the bathroom that doesn’t require mounting anything into the walls is this bathtub rail or clamp on tub rail. These are relatively cheap (often under $40) but

Shower bench or elongated form of a shower chair so that one set of legs is in the tub and one set outside the tub

Bench Shower Chair

“When my husband first came home he went for more than a month without being able to have anything more than a wipe down spit bath kinda thing,” one woman tells me. Finally though, they

Two makeshift grab bars located in shower area of bathroom

DIY Grab Bars

This photo shows more of those DIY budget grab bars made of gas pipes or nipples. Here, they are mounted in the shower tiles and one picture shows a close up of the flanges used

Shower chair that stretches from bathtub to toilet

Dual Use Sliding Shower Chair

“I just kept looking online and when I discovered that toilet to shower chair, I measured our bathroom and it fit perfectly.” This type of chair can be a relief for those struggling with safe

A freestanding metal toilet railling positioned around a toilet with a standard wooden lid.

Freestanding Toilet Grab Bars

These are free standing or standalone toilet safety rails or toilet grab rails. They act a bit like grab bars since they help in safely transferring from toilet to standing and vice versa, but they

A toilet with brown carpet installed around it, a baratric commode positioned on top of it, and a homemade grab bar installed on either side.

Getting Creative for Bathroom Safety

This picture shows a number things. For one, it shows how you can use a bariatric commode (with the bowl removed) on top of a toilet and it becomes a toilet seat raiser. This is

Shower stall with wall mounted shower bench, handheld showerhead, and grab bars installed vertically on either side of the bench and on adjacent wall.

Grab Bars

Grab bars may seem like a small adjustment, but they make an enormous difference. “It really helps, him getting on and off the shower seat and into the shower. Without those bars we couldn’t manage

Door from gararge to kitchen with one step. Two grab bars are mounted vertically on either side of the door frame for pulling oneself up.

Grab Bars for a Step

This picture shows a unique use of grab bars. For this person, making it up the one step from the garage to the kitchen became impossible without safely holding onto something. In this case, they

Shower chair place on rails to slide over tub edge

Shower Chair on Rails

Here again is the shower chair with the double life as a commode. So often, people are sent home with a basic shower chair that is available anywhere. Though this can be a fine option,